Here’s some beautiful photos I took, while in Madrid in July 2014. I was just going through some of my travel photos that I took to reminisce and blog about them. The photo above is just as beautiful in real life. The color of the building and the beautiful arch. I was in Madrid, Spain the day I found out about MH17 flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur that crashed on 17 July 2014 after being shot down killing all passengers and crews on board. My heart took flight and extremely saddened to hear the fact that once again many innocent lives were taken. My fiance and I had just finished our lunch and we were just doing the usual sightseeing tour around the city. At some point, I had the urged to read the recent news, as I’m an avid news reader. After taking multiple photos while sightseeing Madrid, I managed to stop by at one of the beautiful Plaza (squares) in Madrid to enjoy the ambiance and read the news on my iPhone just to find out what’s going on around the world. I know you’re probably wondering why would I waste my time to stop somewhere just to read the news in the middle of the day, whilst sightseeing. Well, it’s something that I love to do even when I’m out drinking a coffee at a cafe.
What I was wearing: Ecco Shoes, Light Blue Jeans & Sleeveless Top
That Plaza in Madrid behind me is so popular among tourists. In fact, when we went there we hardly saw locals around but tourists. There are many different types of Plaza in Madrid, one of which is the one close-by the hotel where we stayed at. I will post some photos on my next post of Madrid.
No this is not the hotel I was talking about before. I took this photo from where I was standing because it looked so beautiful in real life. It turned it’s just as beautiful on this photo. I truly love seeing and taking photos of random streets, apartments and buildings of old historical cities and then reminisce about it a year or so later. Although, I didn’t really enjoy Madrid as much as Barcelona and any other European cities but I’ll always be grateful that I got to see and experience being a tourist for a few days in Madrid. I probably won’t go back again but who knows. Madrid is a commercial district or city of Spain where many big businesses and commercial buildings are situated in the center of Madrid. I didn’t find too many must see highlights of the city in Madrid unlike Rome, Paris and Barcelona.
Here’s another beautiful random building in Madrid. I can’t tell you the name because to be honest I didn’t bother to go up closer to look. We were walking towards Plaza Mayor and stumbled upon this (god knows how old this building is). It looks like an embassy building because of the flags standing upright outside the balcony. We found many locals hanging around the area.
Did you enjoy this article? What did you think of Madrid, if you have been there before?
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